Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The robot

The robot is simply the illusion of being a robot. Movements of the robot are normally started and finished with a dimestop, to give the impression of motors starting and stopping, popers and lockers are the ones who are most likely to use the robot while danceing bacaus eit fits in well with their style of street dance and usually goes well with the beat, as the beat pounds they lock and this give teh effect that the beat is contolding their robotic movements. The robot isint even just only used in street dance its also used in street theatre, for example mimses usually use the robot when pretending their stuck in an invisible box, pullking a rope and so forth. The dance was created in the 1960's, since then its been adapted into teh popping style to make it look even better, but some still base their dance routenes only on the robot, for example 'The robot boys', these pair won Denmark’s Got Talent in 2008 by only doing different variations of teh robot.

                                                        The robot boys

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